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Are you in favour of abolition of compulsory education for six-year-old children and return to compulsory education for seven-year-old children?
/in Data science /by Przemyslaw Biecek1st September was just few days ago. After the reform ‘lowering the age at which children start their school education’ the second group of 6 and 7-year-old children started attending the freshmen classes. And since we are in the ‘pre-election’ mode there are some votes about a reform reestablishing the previous age for starting school education.
Diagnosing diabetic retinopathy with deep learning
/in Data science, Deep learning, Machine learning /by Robert BoguckiWhat is the difference between these 2 images? The one on the left has no signs of diabetic retinopathy, while the other one has severe signs of it. If you are not a trained clinician, the chances are, you will find it quite hard to correctly identify the signs of this disease.
You’re doing it wrong: surveys concerning the referendum which is to take place on 6th September
/in Data science /by Przemyslaw BiecekI recently came across the presentations of the results of the surveys concerning participation in the planned referenda published by the portal
My attention was caught by the diagram presented below which displays a distribution of answers to the question: “Are you going to vote in the referendum scheduled for 6th September?”
Circles and films from FilmWeb
/in Data science /by Przemyslaw BiecekI have been working recently on visualization of genetic data. In that field a popular method of presentation are circles generated by the circlize library. Turning a blind eye to the problem of reading information from circles I must say that the possibilities…
Transformations of variables, scales and coordinates in ggplot2
/in Data science /by Przemyslaw BiecekI am working on a short introduction to the Grammar of Graphics and its implementation in the ggplot2 package. Process of systematization of the elements of syntax reveals various ‘spices’ of ggplot2 and today I will talk about one of them, namely about application of transformations to diagrams.
useR 2015 and htmlwidgets
/in Data science /by Przemyslaw BiecekI’ve been wondering if this year’s useR conference foreshadowed some gigantic groundbreaking change in the world of R. The previous useR conference was a sort of catalyst for dplyr package and operator %>%. The profession (especially from California)…
Sapkowski, Dukaj and the wikipediatrend package
/in Data science /by Przemyslaw BiecekRecently I tested a quite nice package for R: wikipediatrend (available on CRAN). With just a few lines of code, it can easily download and visualize daily wikipedia page views statistics. Great package, so we are going to take a closer look. I’ve just finished Season…
archivist 1.5
/in Data science /by Przemyslaw BiecekArchivist is an R package for object management (storing, sharing, searching). I am going to present it on useR conference next week (hope I can meet some of you in Aalborg). Below you will find two coolest (imho) features implemented in the version 1.5 of archivist.
Shiny, polls and interactive ggplot2
/in Data science /by Przemyslaw BiecekToday we will use ggplot2 to recreate the diagrams presenting support in voting intention polls conducted before presidential elections. The story behind is interesting so let’s see it again. Yesterday RStudio has released a new version of shiny. Version 0.12 comes…
Data visualization vs. information management
/in Data science /by Przemyslaw BiecekYesterday I had a presentation ‘Data visualization vs. information management’. The core of the presentation were two examples which I present below. The punch line comes down to a simple statement: It is not enough to present data graphically; its presentation must…