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Latest version of deepsense.io’s flagship Big Data product now features Spark 2.0 support, external Spark clusters, and custom operations and notebooks in R.
deepsense.io is proud to announce the launch of Seahorse 1.3, the latest version of its scalable data analytics workbench powered by Apache Spark, at Strata+Hadoop World NY 2016 conference. Seahorse allows data scientists to visually design, edit and execute Spark applications using a Web-based, code-free UI.
New features in Seahorse 1.3 include: support for Spark 2.0, quick and easy connections to external Spark clusters, custom operations and Notebooks in R and a file library. These improvements will allow data scientists to benefit from up to 10x query speed-up, the ability to quickly connect to and work on multiple external clusters, improved expressiveness with R code snippets and Notebooks as well as, easier transfer of files between local machines and Spark clusters.
Download your copy of Seahorse 1.3 here.
Seahorse 1.3 is available as an app on Trusted Analytics Platform (TAP) and IBM’s Data Scientist Workbench, two of the world’s most popular open-source platforms for advanced analytics and machine learning solutions.
deepsense.io will unveil Seahorse, release 1.3 at the Strata+Hadoop World Conference 2016 to be held at New York City’s Javits Center. During the conference, deepsense.io will also announce its brand-new product – Neptune – an IT platform-based machine learning experiment management solution for data scientists.
Spark Summit 2016 San Francisco will take place from June 6-8, 2016 at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square, 333 O’Farrell St., San Francisco, CA 94102.

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