Table of contents
Table of contents
I’ve prepared a short console-based data-driven R game named ,,The Proton Game’’ or ,,Hack the Proton” (still cannot decide which name is better). The goal of a player is to play the hacker and infiltrate Slawomir Pietraszko’s account on a Proton server. To do this, you have to solve four data-based puzzles.
Can you make it?
Each puzzle can be solved in many different ways. One can use the dplyr package, or base R functions or anything else. If you are familiar with R and have some experience with data wrangling, then around 15 minutes will be enough to complete all puzzles.
To install the game you shall install the package proton from CRAN servers.
Have fun and wait for next games from the series!
install.packages("proton")To start the game just load the installed package.
library("proton")Additional instructions will appear on your screen (see the figure below).