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The new version of the ggplot2 package (v 2.0.0) will be available on CRAN in a few days. It has a very nice mechanism for adding new geoms and stats (more about it here).
Let’s create a new geom geom_christmas_tree() that will plot data with the use of christmas trees instead of points. The geom will support following aesthetics: size, fill, color, x and y.
The size will be translated into the number of segments of each single tree. Width of a tree is fixed and height is proportional to the size.
Let’s start with an example.
One can combine this geom with other geoms (like contours).
And here we have the definition of the geom.
# generate random positions, colors and sizes mm = data.frame(matrix(runif(1200),300,4)) # plot ggplot(mm, aes(X1, X2, size=X3, fill=X4)) + geom_christmas_tree() + theme_void() + scale_fill_gradient(low='green1', high='green4')

ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Petal.Length, size=Petal.Length, fill=Species)) + stat_density_2d(aes(color=Species)) + geom_christmas_tree() + theme_void() + theme(legend.position="none")

GeomChristmasTree = ggproto('GeomChristmasTree', Geom, required_aes = c('x', 'y'), default_aes = aes(shape = 19, colour = 'black', fill = 'green4', size = 3, linetype = 1, alpha = 1, fontsize = 1), draw_key = draw_key_polygon, draw_panel = function(data, panel_scales, coord) { coords = coord$transform(data, panel_scales) # each tree is 4*branch + 4 if (length(coords$size) == 1) { tsize = rep(pmax(1, round(coords$size)), length(coords$x)) theight = rep(pmax(0, round(coords$size)), length(coords$x)) } else { tsize = pmax(1, round(coords$size)) theight = pmax(0, coords$size) } # the scale factor r01x = diff(range(coords$x))/100 r01y = diff(range(coords$y))/100 # coords longx = unlist(lapply(seq_along(coords$x), function(i) { if (tsize[i] == 1) { dx = -c(0.3, 0.3, 1.2, 0, -1.2, -0.3, -0.3) } else { dx = -c(0.3, 0.3, rep(c(1.2,0.3), tsize[i]-1), 1.2, 0, -1.2, rep(c(-0.3,-1.2), tsize[i]-1), -0.3, -0.3) } r01x*dx + coords$x[i] })) longy = unlist(lapply(seq_along(coords$y), function(i) { if (tsize[i] == 1) { dy = c(-0.5, 0, 0, theight[i], 0, 0, -0.5) } else { dy = c(-0.5, 0, 0, rep(1:(tsize[i]-1), each=2), theight[i], rep((tsize[i]-1):1, each=2), 0, 0, -0.5) } r01y*dy + coords$y[i] })) longid = unlist(sapply(seq_along(coords$y), function(i) { rep(i, each=4*tsize[i]+3) })) grid::polygonGrob( longx, longy, id = longid, gp = grid::gpar(col = coords[,'colour'], fill = coords[,'fill'], fontsize = 10) ) } ) geom_christmas_tree = function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = 'identity', position = 'identity', na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE, ...) { layer( geom = GeomChristmasTree, mapping = mapping, data = data, stat = stat, position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes, params = list(na.rm = na.rm, ...) ) }