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Joint research with Volkswagen, Google Research, University of Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences, Jagiellonian University; presented at NeurIPS 2020 workshop
- The research paper introduces interactive traffic scenarios in the CARLA simulator, which are based on real-world traffic.
- The CARLA Real Traffic Scenarios (CRTS) is intended to be a training and testing ground for autonomous driving systems.
- The work presents how to obtain competitive policies and evaluate experimentally how observation types and reward schemes affect the training process and the resulting agent’s behavior.
Authors: Błażej Osiński, Piotr Miłoś, Adam Jakubowski, Paweł Zięcina, Michał Martyniak, Christopher Galias, Antonia Breuer, Silviu Homoceanu, Henryk Michalewski
This work introduces interactive traffic scenarios in the CARLA simulator, which are based on real-world traffic. We concentrate on tactical tasks lasting several seconds, which are especially challenging for current control methods. The CARLA Real Traffic Scenarios (CRTS) is intended to be a training and testing ground for autonomous driving systems. To this end, we open-source the code under a permissive license and present a set of baseline policies. CRTS combines the realism of traffic scenarios and the flexibility of simulation. We use it to train agents using a reinforcement learning algorithm. We show how to obtain competitive policies and evaluate experimentally how observation types and reward schemes affect the training process and the resulting agent’s behavior.
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