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Joint research with University of Warsaw, Gdańsk University of Technology, Polish Academy of Sciences; presented at IJCNN 2021, DRL Workshop, NeurIPS 2020
- The research paper presents a novel method, Shoot Tree Search (STS), which makes it possible to more explicitly control the balance between the depth and breadth of the search needed for planning in large state spaces.
- The algorithm can be understood as an interpolation between two celebrated search mechanisms: MCTS and random shooting. It also lets the user control the bias-variance trade-off, akin to T D(n), but in the tree search context. In experiments on challenging domains, we show that STS can get the best of both worlds: consistently achieving higher scores.
Authors: Konrad Czechowski, Piotr Januszewski, Piotr Kozakowski, Łukasz Kuciński, Piotr Miłoś
Planning in large state spaces inevitably needs to balance the depth and breadth of the search. It has a crucial impact on the performance of a planner and most manage this interplay implicitly. We present a novel method Shoot Tree Search (STS), which makes it possible to control this trade-off more explicitly. Our algorithm can be understood as an interpolation between two celebrated search mechanisms: MCTS and random shooting. It also lets the user control the bias-variance trade-off, akin to TD(n), but in the tree search context. In experiments on challenging domains, we show that STS can get the best of both worlds consistently achieving higher scores.
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