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Joint research with University of Warsaw, Ideas NCBR, Jagiellonian University, KAUST, Google Research & Stanford University, Polish Academy of Sciences; presented at ICLR 2023
- The researchers proposed Adaptive Subgoal Search (AdaSubS), a search algorithm that adjusts the planning horizon to match the local complexity of the problems solved.
- Complex reasoning problems contain states that vary in terms of the computational cost required to determine the right action plan. To take advantage of this property, Adaptive Subgoal Search (AdaSubS), a search method that adaptively adjusts the planning horizon, was proposed. To this end, AdaSubS generates diverse sets of subgoals at different distances. A verification mechanism is employed to swiftly filter out unreachable subgoals, making it possible to focus on other more feasible subgoals. In this way, AdaSubS benefits from the efficiency of planning with longer-term subgoals and the fine control with shorter-term ones, and thus scales well to difficult planning problems.
- The research shows that AdaSubS significantly surpasses hierarchical planning algorithms based on results from three complex reasoning tasks: Sokoban, the Rubik’s Cube, and the inequality-proving benchmark INT.
Authors: Michał Zawalski, Michał Tyrolski, Konrad Czechowski, Tomasz Odrzygóźdź, Damian Stachura, Piotr Piękos, Yuhuai Wu, Łukasz Kuciński, Piotr Miłoś
Complex reasoning problems contain states that vary in the computational cost required to determine the right action plan. To take advantage of this property, we propose Adaptive Subgoal Search (AdaSubS), a search method that adaptively adjusts the planning horizon. To this end, AdaSubS generates diverse sets of subgoals at different distances. A verification mechanism is employed to filter out unreachable subgoals swiftly, making it possible to focus on feasible further subgoals. In this way, AdaSubS benefits from the efficiency of planning with longerterm subgoals and the fine control with shorter-term ones, and thus scales well to difficult planning problems. We show that AdaSubS significantly surpasses hierarchical planning algorithms on three complex reasoning tasks: Sokoban, the Rubik’s Cube, and the inequality-proving benchmark INT.
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