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deepsense.ai’s parent company, CodiLime, has built a dedicated unit to provide organizations with comprehensive development programs to build their teams’ strategic competencies, starting from data science. The Hub also addresses managers’ needs in harnessing innovation.
CodiLime announced the Training & Development Hub at the company’s annual seminar on February 23. The new unit will support organizations in building competitive solutions driven by cutting-edge achievements in AI, cybersecurity and networks, three areas in which CodiLime has established strong expertise.
The Hub will offer long-term, customized development programs designed to grow team skills. Formalizing its approach to teaching, CodiLime has worked out and successfully tested its 4T methodology. The four Ts stand for TAILORED TEAM TRAINING TRACKS.
Marta Piechowiak, Director of the Training & Development Hub, explains, “Our decision to create the Hub was based on over three years’ experience in running workshops. These included open training for developers and data scientists, our corporate offer for global enterprises and successful execution of Intel’s strategy for its AI Academy in Europe. Our vision is to become a first-choice training and development partner for global companies seeking to expand their own expert teams in-house”.
Piechowiak adds, “Each of our training programs starts with an intensive few-day workshop which includes a theory section, followed by hands-on coding exercises and best practices. To make it even more effective, teams can benefit from regular mentoring sessions and develop their real-life projects under the guidance of an expert.”
The Hub will also support managers in their journey towards innovation. During the workshop, they learn how applying the latest technical breakthroughs can help their company win. The agenda also covers a brainstorming session and use case analysis for managers’ specific challenges and goals. This will prepare them to make better-informed decisions and meet their current and strategic goals.
The Training & Development Hub will be expanding its AI-based tracks throughout 2018 and launching new tracks in cybersecurity and networks in the second half of the year. The company has also started working on a collaborative platform for teams to make their learning experience even easier and more personalized, especially when working with a mentor.
The Director of the Hub adds, “Our data science training offer has been launched under the deepsense.ai brand. Companies seeking a partner to build their data science skills will discover tracks for reskilling software engineering teams, upskilling existing data science teams (with the newest program for advanced deep learning), as well as AI applications to help managers expand the ways they can incorporate AI into their business strategy.”

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