The workshop offered business-focused sessions on LLM opportunities and technical deep dives for engineers.
Meet our client
Client’s Challenge
Aligning 50 participants with diverse expertise to define meaningful LLM use cases posed a challenge. Additionally, synthesizing and prioritizing use cases across five groups of stakeholders was complex, given differing priorities.
Our Solution
The workshop offered business-focused sessions on LLM opportunities and technical deep dives for engineers. Participants were divided into 5 teams to brainstorm >150 LLM features, followed by a facilitated alignment session. This process led to a shortlist of high-impact use cases, ready for pipeline development.
Client’s Benefits
The event resulted in comprehensive knowledge transfer, ensuring both business and technical teams were equipped to move forward with LLM initiatives. The teams generated >150 features, 20 shortlisted use cases, 2 of which were prioritized for near-term implementation. This process fostered cross-department collaboration and produced a clear roadmap for further development.